So after boldly proclaiming the imminent arrival of our Kickstarter pitch I duly got to work. People where corralled, shots planned, script written, equipment procured. Friday morning dutifully dawned clear and bright. We headed out with Jeff riding Model No.1 with Essie aboard while W hauled me & camera in the Bakfiets. We shot some footage in Brooklyn then looped over the Hawthorne and back home. The clips looked great, awesome light and plenty to choose from. I dove into editing, a process I enjoy very much, and slowly the form of the movie started to come together. By days end on Friday I was quietly confident that we had nailed it. All that was left was to film Jeff and I introducing ourselves to the camera and explaining our project. Sunday night's attempt was a bust. Dull lighting and poor acoustics at Jeff's house made me decide to put it of until morning. The camera had to be returned by 10.00am so we were at it first thing. We filmed on my porch due to the rain but the light and sound were good and in short order we were done. I downloaded the clips onto my computer then raced into town to make the return on time. Later back home I discovered that the longest and best take was corrupted and unplayable.........we will have to do it again. The icing on the cake to all this was the same day my computer got a virus (after clicking on an image of bamboo of all things) that blocked all my applications. Now I am without a computer until maybe Friday! Terribly grateful that Z at Happy Hamster loaned me a laptop, mortified that it's a cheesy plastic Dell Inspiron straight out of the 'Dude your getting a Dell' decade.
So.........Kickstarter pitch coming real soon.......probably.
So.........Kickstarter pitch coming real soon.......probably.
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